Episode 3

April 17, 2023


Prison Guard To Hair Stylist - Josh Bodiford

Hosted by

Dr. Chase Horton
Prison Guard To Hair Stylist - Josh Bodiford
Discover Birmingham
Prison Guard To Hair Stylist - Josh Bodiford

Apr 17 2023 | 00:52:54


Show Notes

Chase talks to Josh Bodiford about his time working as a correctional officer, changing careers, and opening up The Well salon on historic Morris Ave in downtown Birmiingham, AL. They talk about current events and ask ChatGPT how many Skittles it takes to fill up a football stadium. 


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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Yeah. Who wouldn't be happy working in a prison? <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:00:28 Cry Speaker 0 00:00:30 Josh. Cheers man. Thanks for doing this. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:00:33 Dude. For sure. Thanks for having me, man. Always a Speaker 0 00:00:35 Pleasure. Appreciate you coming on. It's always good to, to have a buddy on so we can can talk shop and also talk smack. Something I've been wanting to ask you is, how does one go from being a prison guard to a hair stylist? Speaker 1 00:00:50 Oh, man. Uh, so I haven't talked about that in a long time. Um, so I was a hair stylist first. Then I became a correctional officer. Then I went back to being a hair stylist. So, um, when I graduated school, it was right before the recession, so it was oh seven. Um, and then pretty much like directly following, getting my bearings in the hair industry. Um, the recession happened. I lived in a smaller town. So basically what goes down is like, I, I always worked like three jobs. Um, and since I was 15 I've had a job. So I was just like kind of burnt on fighting to like, I mean, when I say fighting, I mean like, I lived all, I already lived with two roommates at the time and that was my choice. Like, I have an amazing family. They didn't kick me out or anything. Um, but like I recall the girl I was dating at the time made me food for when I came home in between my jobs. My roommates ate it because she went to work and they saw food on the table, but it had a note saying like, Josh, they ate it and left. And I only had enough money to go buy potatoes and white bread. And I was just like over it, dude. I mean, I was just like, why am I, Speaker 0 00:02:01 That was the final straw. You're like, I'm going for a change. So that's when you decided to look into a different career? Speaker 1 00:02:06 Yeah, so like I was just going like, whatever, dude, whatever's out there, it's like, if I can do it or, and it doesn't sound terrible, I'll give it a shot. And one of my best friends was a correction officer in a prison in Florida. So I was like, all right, uh, are they hiring? And we had that conversation a couple of times cuz he had kept kind of pushing me that way. Always seemed happy. I mean, enough at Speaker 0 00:02:24 Least. Yeah. Who wouldn't be happy working in a prison? <laugh>? Speaker 1 00:02:27 Yeah, pretty much. I mean, you get to go home, so there's perk to it. Yeah. So I applied, I got the job. Um, I did it for about 14, 15 months and then I didn't <laugh>. I was like, this is pretty terrible. Speaker 0 00:02:40 Okay, let's pause right there. So, but when you were doing, it was something that stuck with you from that experience of working in a prison because you had a window into a world that most people never see other than maybe what they see on tv, but you, you know, that's, that's different than what you really saw living in. So what did you see? Speaker 1 00:03:03 Um, some days there would be intense moments. Most days aren't that intense and it was a pretty serious prison I worked at. But like, you have to, you have to think about it. Like the people that are there, they live there, so not every moment of their day is, is being as terrible as they could be. And they're a lot smarter than people give 'em credit for. They just make bad choices. So as a ceo, like your job is to protect them from each other and just make sure they follow the rules, right? So like from themselves also Speaker 0 00:03:32 Because there's a pecking order there, right? There's like you said, shot callers, there's, yeah. What does that look like? Speaker 1 00:03:38 Um, so basically everybody segregates in a prison and it's just, they do it like officers don't do it. Um, when you go in, you basically align with someone who you can align with because it's protection, safety in a, in a sense at least. Speaker 0 00:03:55 And what, what does that look like? Are they aligning by race or by, it's always the crime they committed or, or all the murderers banning together to rule the place? Or Speaker 1 00:04:05 What does it mean? No, no, it's like, it's all ethnicity for the most part. And then the only time that's not the case is like you're gay community within a prison and there's like very effeminate gays in in prisons. And, um, I don't say that in the derogatory, but there there's very, it's very obvious the ones who are openly gay. Speaker 0 00:04:25 So I'm imagining like what they, uh, in Shawshank Redemption, they called 'em the sisters. Is that what you're talking about? Speaker 1 00:04:30 Yeah. I mean like, that was Shawshank Redemption was actually very accurate. Uh, Speaker 0 00:04:34 It's terrifying. Speaker 1 00:04:34 It is. No, it is. So like, it doesn't matter how tough you are, most people aren't gonna beat up 15th dudes that jump you. So like, you can be tough. You better hope to God you're never in the scenario that it's more than one or two people now to mention there's nothing fair about prison. Like they'll shank you, they don't care. They'll, they'll hit you with bars of soap and a sock. Like that's a real Oh, that's a real thing. Absolutely. Um, do they make alcohol? You catch 'em doing all kinds of crazy stuff. They tattoo from electric shavers. They can make a tattoo machine and then put it back together as a shaver. So you can't steal Speaker 0 00:05:06 It. Is that where you got your tattoos? Speaker 1 00:05:08 I mean, some of 'em look like it. No, um, the three, the three that are on my leg were my first, second and third tattoo that I tattooed. Fun fact. Speaker 0 00:05:16 So is it, where is it like, uh, like oranges and new black where they're making hooch in the toilet? Speaker 1 00:05:21 Uh, we call it buck is what it's called. Buck. Buck. That's what they call it in the prison. Speaker 0 00:05:25 What is that, what's that made of? Speaker 1 00:05:27 Anything they can steal from mess hall. Anything that they confirm it from. So they'll do it with onion, they'll do it any, they prefer fruit because that's more akin to wine. But like, they would take vegetables, anything that can rot and they can put sugars with to create alcohol. And I mean, it's gross dude. Like when you find it, they'll scoop maggots off the top, but it's just the, the desire to get like some kind of release while they're there. I mean it's, it's horrible. You never wanna go to prison. That's what you need to know. You never want to be on the, the side of the law that gets you Speaker 0 00:05:58 To prison. So they can't escape physically. So they want to escape mentally. Speaker 1 00:06:01 Yeah, dude. I mean, and they'll sell it so it's like a form of currency or they can trade it. So Speaker 0 00:06:06 There's a whole economy in a prison, right? Speaker 1 00:06:08 Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Favors for cigarettes, favors for food, favors for favors. Um, yeah, I mean it's, it's wild dude. Like, it's, it's not as crazy as what you would see on tv, but like it's, it's great that you brought up Shaw Shank redemption. That is very accurate. Now it's different because that was much more old school. Um, so the segregation aspect of it is that's just prison culture and, and it's only perpetuated by the inmates. They, we literally like separate them for a diversity. So there's more evenness in a prison, um, within, within a prison population. So any prison statistically, they try to mix and match to keep people away from one another. And then also, like when, you know, everybody has a profile, like a file or a jacket. So everything about 'em is in there that you can document and anything that you can identify as like a gang affiliation, like a tattoo or whatever, you know that. So you, there's, there's a whole staff that puts the, they try to mix and match correctly to keep issues from being more prevalent. Speaker 0 00:07:11 And I heard that you have to, uh, prison, they may will carry some kind of papers that identifies what they did. Is that true? Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:07:19 <affirmative>. Um, so, so that's not true. They don't, they don't carry anything around with them like that. At least where I worked, I can't speak for Alabama prison cause I worked in Florida. You have access to their file because you have their file in their, like in the officer station there's like a filing cabinet that has everybody responsible for and what it is, it's like, it's what they did, but it's more like a psychological evaluation so you know who you're dealing with in the event you're having issues or whatever. But really that, that was like, I had access to it, but it's kind of above my pay grade at the time. Speaker 0 00:07:50 You know how you hear about Florida? Man? Speaker 1 00:07:54 No. Speaker 0 00:07:55 What? Florida man. Like Florida. Uh, it's kind of like a, a running joke that a lot of headlines begin with the term Florida man and then insert something crazy. Speaker 1 00:08:05 No, I've never Speaker 0 00:08:06 Heard of this really? <laugh>, are you being funny? No, dude. Okay. Yeah, it's, Speaker 1 00:08:09 And I grew up in Dothan, right? By Speaker 0 00:08:11 Florida. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So I mean, I've heard a lot of the craziest headlines start with Florida man because people are apparently crazy in Florida. Were there any Florida men in prison? Are there any, were there any offenders that really stood out to you for what they did? Uh, Speaker 1 00:08:27 Yeah, but only because I found out there, like I, so I made it a point, dude, like, something that I guess some people don't realize. Like, I'm extremely empathetic and it's not my choice. Like it's just who I am. So like, if you tell me something horrible, I feel it, dude, I, I can't help it. I feel it. And if I hear something horrible about someone, I feel aggrieved almost, especially then, because I was, I mean, I was young, it was much less mature. Speaker 0 00:08:54 So what did you find out about somebody? Speaker 1 00:08:56 This is really dark, just fyi. Um, Speaker 0 00:09:00 Disclaimer. Speaker 1 00:09:01 So I was working conf, uh, not confinement, excuse me, visitation. And there was this guy who was like, he looked like a Abercrombie Fitch model. Abercrombie, however the hell you say it or however you say it. Um, Speaker 0 00:09:14 You nailed it. Speaker 1 00:09:14 Yeah. Abercrombie, um, chase. So basically he was tattooed, but it was like pretty boy tattoos and um, very fit guy, like always had his hair styled and stuff because like they have access to a lot of things in prisons. Um, so he was in there and one of the officers I worked with, she was like, do you know what he did? And I was like, no. And I don't wanna know cause I may need a point because I know me. I can't separate what you did when I know who you are and I have to deal with you daily. And this dude literally suffocated his own child. Speaker 0 00:09:46 Oh Speaker 1 00:09:46 Yeah. It was, it was horrible. And what's even wilder dude is, at least in my mind, the person that would come see him, what's his wife? The mother of the child. So part of my responsibilities as a male officer is I had to escort male inmates to the bathroom in visitation because it's not like it, I mean, they're still behind bars, like the people that visit have to come into the prison. Right? So, but you have to take 'em in there and make sure they're not hiding stuff, stashing stuff, whatever. And every inmate tries to befriend you so they can try to get something from you or manipulate it or Speaker 0 00:10:21 They're trying to play Speaker 1 00:10:22 You. Yeah, absolutely. And she was like, he did this. And I was just like, why did you tell me that? I don't wanna know. So I intentionally avoided him because of that, because like, dad just sits wrong with me. So I've always been that way. I always have loved kids and elderly people, like soft spot for him. So I take this, I have to take him to the bathroom at some point in visitation, he starts trying to talk to me and I was like, Hey dude, I don't, I'm not your friend. Don't talk to me. I'm, I'm Officer Bodiford, that's what I am. Don't talk to me. Otherwise, Speaker 0 00:10:51 You gotta put that boundary there. Speaker 1 00:10:52 Yeah. Because like, I've never wanted to kill someone so bad. Yeah. I mean I just, it like at that age I was like, this is not a healthy place for my mind to be. Like, I think he's a horrible person, but the truth of the situation, it's not your job to carry a judgment out. Yeah. Your job is to keep him safe and go home. That's your job. Go home at the end of the day and do your job, but like, ultimately make it home. So don't, don't get involved in things. You don't have to. So that was like, that was probably the most heinous thing that stuck out to me. I, I, like, I really, I only knew what a handful of 'em did because I, I intentionally didn't look Speaker 0 00:11:28 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I see. Yeah. Were there any people there that, um, you, you could have seen yourself just being friends with in a different scenario? Speaker 1 00:11:37 Absolutely. I think what a lot of people don't understand about inmates is they're, they made bad choices at a point. You're not your choices. No one is their choices. That is my belief. Um, you, you 100% there's redemption for everyone, in my opinion. How you choose to seek it is, is on you. Whatever. I have my own personal belief system. But, um, to me, like some of those people have been in prison for like five, 10 years, you know, and it's like if you were 18, you went to that, you could go to that prison. Now that was a serious prison. But what they do in a prison system is there's a percentage of like really heinous crimes and whatever that number is, they spread 'em out evenly. Right. At least if you're supposed to be at that type of Speaker 0 00:12:20 Facility. So there's not one prison where they're all concentrated? Speaker 1 00:12:24 Not us. Well, not usually because you gotta think like you gotta deal with the population. So there are maximum security and there Speaker 0 00:12:33 Are minimum supermaxes and all that. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:12:35 Yeah. But su like supermax would be like a federal, I believe. So I worked at a level five in Florida, which was, I mean that's like, I think it's as high as Speaker 0 00:12:44 You go. So that's the most intense state prison. Speaker 1 00:12:47 I don't know. I it was the, I mean it was the most intense one in north Florida. Yeah. Um, basically you couldn't leave the grounds without being in five point restraints there. That was just like their protocol. We didn't have an outside of grounds, uh, work crew, a another prison that was about, about a mile down the road. Their work camp would come and do our outside grounds maintenance. Speaker 0 00:13:11 Was there ever a point where you feared for your life? Speaker 1 00:13:17 There was two times. Yeah. Two times for sure. Speaker 0 00:13:22 What happened? Speaker 1 00:13:24 So, uh, one time I was on the rec field, so we were a severely understaffed prison. They have a red line and we were operating definitely below the red line. We never had enough people for shift, which is super sketchy. Like it's already terrible officer comparison to amount of inmates. So I was on the rec field, there was four of us. There were 180 inmates for four officers. I don't think I would do this as like my age now because I just think it's so insane to think back to, Speaker 0 00:13:54 Because if they had banded together, it would've been game over Speaker 1 00:13:58 20 of them banded together. Like you'd fight your way until you just got beat down into the ground. They, I mean, they would kill you for sure. Speaker 0 00:14:04 What do you think stopped them from doing that? Speaker 1 00:14:07 It's really weird. It's like, it's psychological. So you have somebody in the tower, right? The tower has double up butt shot and you hunt. You know, Speaker 0 00:14:16 If you guys that's, they have buckshot from that Speaker 1 00:14:18 At, at the, I mean that's what they had when I was there. I don't Speaker 0 00:14:21 Know if they Yeah, I would've, I would've automatically assumed a 3 0 8 or a rifle of some Speaker 1 00:14:25 Sort. You Yes. Something that would reach out and touch something. Yeah. That's my point. A buck shot at 200 yards. Good luck getting hit with one. Yeah. Right. But it was the idea. So literally I never worked the tower, but the officers that would work the tower, so they were behind two fences, they could rack the shotgun and it would be like crickets. It'd be like done. I never worked that position. I was always on the rec field or I was working the, uh, like their cantina basically their commerce spot. And you would just have 'em in two lines and you would make sure nobody would do anything stupid. They're always looking for an out, like, or, or like something to like some way to like slip by and do something they don't wanna be called for. Speaker 0 00:15:07 What's something that you could buy in that cantina that might surprise people that, that somebody might think you would not have access to it in a prison? Speaker 1 00:15:16 Uh, razors. Speaker 0 00:15:18 Yeah. That does seem like one that <laugh> that would, Speaker 1 00:15:21 They were required to away, they kept, unless they had a medical car that stated they had skin issues and they could grow facial hair. So not only could you buy an electric Razer, which is a motor, Speaker 0 00:15:30 That's how they used, that's how they do tattoos. Speaker 1 00:15:33 Yes. They, they could take 'em apart, use a big pen, uh, anything that they could fashion into a needle and then they could put it back together and still shave with it. If you catch 'em with anything outside of its original form, you could take it. Mm-hmm. But yeah, like a b razor, like a single use razor. Right. Um, they could have those, but if you caught them with it taken apart, because that little razor by itself can't, I mean you could cut somebody, but it's like minimal. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:15:58 It's not Speaker 1 00:15:58 Going to be, if you took the blade out and you melted a toothbrush around it, you had a handheld razor blade. So they're very creative and very smart. Um, but on the rec field, um, I had a, a, like the rule was they couldn't be in groups of more than four. And my job was to kind of meander through there and make sure they weren't doing that right. There were, there were three or four of us on the field that day doing that, and there was a group of five and I was like, Hey guys, break it up. There's five, split it off two and three. And there was a guy that stepped up and he, you know, for lack of a better way to say it was like, yeah, few. And I was like, inmate, what's your name? You know, blah, blah, blah. And he was like F U F U and was like just being really aggressive. And I looked at him and I said, you got three seconds. And he was like, three seconds. Oh. Oh, you think I got three seconds? And I was like, this only ends one way. You're in handcuffs. And he was like, oh, yeah. And in my mind I'm going like, why? Yeah, why am I in this situation? The problem with it is you can't ever let them see the doubt. Exactly. If they see the doubt, Speaker 0 00:17:02 They know they got Speaker 1 00:17:03 You. Yeah. I mean, you're controllable. You, they know that they could get under your skin. Well, thank God, when that dude started stepping towards me, a guy from the distance said something to him and he stops and he was like saying some stuff under his breath in Spanish. And, and, um, he was a Latino gang member. Um, I think he was MS 13 actually. Um, so I, I put him in cuffs and he didn't fight. He just said some stuff under his breath. Turns out the guy that said something to him, I'd had in confinement for about four months. And I don't mistreat people. Like I don't, that's, that's not what I was there for. And I just didn't mistreat this guy. And because I wasn't an officer that would do something like that, he told him to get in line. I didn't, I had no idea this guy was a shot caller the whole Speaker 0 00:17:49 Time. So he had your back. Speaker 1 00:17:51 He was just basically saying he's off limits because I like, if you got rid of me, somebody was gonna replace me, right? Mm-hmm. Yeah. So it was kind of like, I don't, I don't pick at what doesn't need to be picked at, so therefore he's off limits until he's not off limits. Speaker 0 00:18:06 So it wasn't necessarily just that he wanted to protect you is that he didn't wanna risk getting someone else in there who might interested. Speaker 1 00:18:14 Well, and you gotta think like, even, even outside of that dude, like if you have a major assault on an officer, they'll lock the whole prison down. So it could have been maybe not even that. Maybe they had plans for something totally different and didn't wanna be on lockdown to keep that from happening. They're a lot smarter than people think. Like tremendously smarter. So when you have nothing but time, Speaker 0 00:18:33 If you've seen, um, blow great movie. Yeah, he is. He says that he, um, went into prison with a bachelor's in marijuana and he graduated prison with a doctorate and selling cocaine. So he said that he treated prison as if it were a college and he learned his craft in prison. Speaker 1 00:18:54 Yeah. Well, I mean, you don't make cocaine. Well, I'm assuming without having some kind of intelligence, it's just where you direct it, right? So like poor choices, all the, um, all the promise you could imagine, right? Like somebody that's in there, but it's like you applied it in the incorrect manner. Maybe it was a situation thing, I don't know. But at some point you decided to take your intelligence and, and use it for something that you shouldn't have or that was just at least Speaker 0 00:19:21 Illegal. Or maybe something happened 20 years ago when they were a teenager and we all did really dumb things when we were teenagers. Speaker 1 00:19:29 I I could have been in jail a few times. Yeah, for sure. Um, I mean, just think about how many teenagers college gets in fights. What if you hit somebody and they just accidentally hit the ground too hard? We don't think about that when they're that old. But like I can tell you is like, I'm 36, I'll be 37 soon. Like if you come at me, there's no winner there. It doesn't matter if I beat you or whatever. Like, I still had to fight somebody that's not, I mean, my hands are my livelihood. I got children and a wife. Like, there's nothing good about it. Right? But when you're 19, you're like, oh, I'm invincible. Ah, it's just dumb. What if you just slip up and hit somebody the wrong way and they're just out, you're in prison the rest of your life for manslaughter. Speaker 0 00:20:08 So was there any one thing that made you decide to retire from your career as a correctional officer? Or did you just miss the doing hair or what? Speaker 1 00:20:18 I'll be hon. Uh, it was really man, like, I drove an hour and 15 minutes one way every single day. And I hate to say it this way, but like the juice just went worth to squeeze, bro. Like, I just, I knew I could do other things. So I left and I started doing construction. I met Courtney, my wife, and then she encouraged me to get back into here. Speaker 0 00:20:37 Was she an inmate? Speaker 1 00:20:38 Uh, Speaker 0 00:20:39 Just kidding. Speaker 1 00:20:40 Courtney. No, she, she kept me on lockdown, you know what I'm saying? But Speaker 0 00:20:42 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:20:43 No, I mean, I Speaker 0 00:20:44 Love her. She's so Speaker 1 00:20:45 Sweet. Yeah, dude, I, I'm so fortunate. Speaker 0 00:20:47 Yeah. You made a, a good choice there. Speaker 1 00:20:49 I did. I got lucky. It was lack of options in our hometown and I, I just landed and I was a decent guy, so she, she took me on. Speaker 0 00:20:55 So I hear you. So you've been back in the hairstylist business for over, over a decade? Way over a decade. Speaker 1 00:21:02 So I've done hair for coming up on 17 years, and I, I took like a year and five months hiatus, or six months hiatus. And I, I mean, I still did hair for friends, I just didn't do it professionally for that time period. So even when I was a C E O I would still do like friends hair at out of the house and stuff, which that's not preferred, but it was just fun hanging out, you know? Speaker 0 00:21:21 Did you ever braid anyone's hair in the, in the joint? No. Speaker 1 00:21:24 No. But oddly enough, I did get a few haircuts from the inmate barber. Yeah. Yeah, dude, I, I mean, it was cheap. And he was, it was an older black man. He was, he was actually an extremely nice guy and could cut hair very well. So that is in the, in the structure of being a c e o, um, or excuse me, of being an inmate. You want something that people want from you. Whether, whether it be a service, a skill, a knowledge, fill in the blank. So this guy could cut hair better than anybody. He would be the one that was posted up right when you would go past the, uh, security measures to get inside. So he was the closest to that than any other inmate. He had a barber chair set up, and if any officer needed a haircut, you could get in line. Dude, it was $4, four bucks. Speaker 0 00:22:12 He probably cleaned up though. Speaker 1 00:22:14 Well, I mean, you gotta think Speaker 0 00:22:15 Like, I mean, relatively, Speaker 1 00:22:17 I mean, he was never, without for sure always had food. And, and he always took really a lot of pride in how he dressed. So like they, they all had the same clothes, but he would get up, they had their own way to iron stuff and his clothes were always pressed, increased. Like he, he was just old school, like super nice guy. I don't even know what he did. I have no idea. He was just always ultra polite, very respectful, and took a lot of pride in cutting hair. So it was, it was interesting to see a different version of it. So I was still kind of tied to it in some way, I guess. Speaker 0 00:22:46 So now you have, uh, so you've opened up a new salon? Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:22:50 <affirmative>? Yeah. It's called the, well, it's over on Morse Avenue. Um, so if you go under the decommission bridge, the one that's just like walking, um, I believe that's Richard Arrington, right there. You go under it. And there's condos with a giant blue robot that's just a f a phenomenal muralist. Did it? So I'm directly across the street. Yeah. Um, white storefront black windows. Speaker 0 00:23:13 So it's called, it's called the Well Salon, right? What does that mean? Yeah, Speaker 1 00:23:16 So the, well, um, not to be confused, I guess on my son's name, um, Wells. Yeah. So my eldest boy is Wells, um, that is my mother's maiden name, and that's where we got it from. Um, to honor my grandparents. Uh, the, the story of the well really came from not the well itself, but the water, like the sustenance you get from it. So it's kind of a biblical reference in that regard. But it was like, it's not about it being the location versus what you find inside. So it's just the community, the culture, the relationship you build behind the chair with these people. Like, I have clients that I've known for 10 plus years and I've, I mean, they always make me feel like part of their family. I, we get invited to life events. It's amazing. Um, so, you know, really it, it's the well, but it's because that's just the place you find it, you know what I mean? So to us, we just wanna be part of the community. We just wanna be like embedded in the community, um, and be a place that, you know, whether you have a haircut that day or not, if you wanna stop by, get coffee, hang out. Like that's what we're there for it. The salon is a product of my clientele and God in my opinion. So all the people that have poured into me, like, it's just, it's not me. It's that it's less of me, if anything. So, Speaker 0 00:24:25 And the grand opening's coming up, Speaker 1 00:24:28 Uh, it's not a grand opening. Like the, the only reason I say that is we just, I don't have any stylists that work for me right now. So I'm a one man show. Speaker 0 00:24:35 Well, it can still be a grand opening. You just open up a new establishment. We wanna celebrate that. So, um, free tacos to me means grand opening. Speaker 1 00:24:42 I mean, that's, it's gonna be a grand party. Uh, I just didn't want to, you know, I feel like it's a Josh party if I call it a grand opening. And I don't want that. So to me it's just a, a chill meet and greet, you know, like, just come hang out, eat some free food, some free drinks, listen to music, pop in, check it out, and you know, have a good Friday, Speaker 0 00:24:59 May 5th. Speaker 1 00:24:59 Yeah, it's Cinco de Mayo. Um, and we're catering in Unos tacos cuz they're just the best tacos in town in my opinion. Oh, that's a pretty hat I need, I I needed my clothes, my shirt on. Yeah. Um, so we're catering it in those tacos and I'm gonna probably do like some giveaways, stuff like that. Um, I haven't gotten it yet, but I think I'm gonna get a really nice blow dryer and I'm just gonna kind of raffle it off for free. Um, so basically you come, you sign up, say like, Hey, I participated, blah, blah, blah. I'll do a random drawing. I'm just gonna give it out. And then we'll have like, we'll have like some door prices and stuff. Some fun. Just a good time, dude. You know, chill. Speaker 0 00:25:38 Yeah. Sounds like fun. I think I forgot to point this out to you earlier. Have you, did you notice little Vulcan over here? Speaker 1 00:25:45 I did, dude. He is got bobbleheads just like styling and profiling like that. Speaker 0 00:25:49 Yeah. Pretty cool, huh? Hold on, turn him around. Speaker 1 00:25:53 Oh, baby guy is Speaker 0 00:25:54 Back dog. This his party trick. Speaker 1 00:25:56 <laugh>. Yeah. Shake it if you got it. Speaker 0 00:25:58 You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I was listening to a podcast earlier. It was about Vulcan and the podcast is by a guy named, I think his name's Sean Wright. I just discovered the podcast. It's called Alabama Short Stories. Okay. And I'm already, I'm already addicted to it. It's so good. He's got maybe seven to 15 minute episodes about all the popular attractions and, and some of the lesser known attractions around Birmingham. So I listen to an episode about, uh, fancy the Elephant from the old a Avondale Zoo. And I listened to an episode about Vulcan's Torch was actually really interesting. And he had a whole episode about, you know, that sign all the way back from, uh, from down south, go to church to the devil will kill you, Speaker 1 00:26:42 Staple in our all. It's like so important. Speaker 0 00:26:44 Yeah. Everyone knows that. But, um, he had an episode about the origin of that sign and Speaker 1 00:26:50 What is the origin of it. Speaker 0 00:26:51 In 1988, they almost changed that sign. You know how it was there on that lake? The water wheel? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They almost took that down and put up a new sign of Bear Bryant walking on water. Speaker 1 00:27:06 That's, Speaker 0 00:27:07 Uh, I would've hit totally different. It Speaker 1 00:27:08 Would've, it's like literally the opposite. Yeah. And I'm a Alabama fan, but like, alright. Speaker 0 00:27:13 Yeah. Well, Speaker 1 00:27:14 Uh, it's a miracle that he turned around football for Alabama. I mean, he Speaker 0 00:27:17 Did that. He did. Yeah. Well, yeah. Uh, it's an interesting origin story and I'll, I'll, I won't do it service by telling it, but, uh, listen to Alabama short stories, really good podcast. I'm gonna, I'm gonna try to get him on the podcast. I think he'd be a really good guest. He'd, he would share some really fun facts about the city. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:27:35 Anybody that has like a immense history of the city, I feel like would be excellent to talk to in general. Yeah. I got to go down to, uh, the library. There's a guy down there in Rickers named Connor. Um, he was extremely helpful dude. Um, but I wanted to source photos of my building because the building I'm in is, it was built in like 1907 ish. Um, and the city has an archives department in the basement of the original library. You can schedule an appointment, go down there and check it out. Um, but I got to look through a, a binder of about 120 pages and it was like, it's copies of original photos that have been donated to the library. Like when a family, like some family member passes because they're like, they realize the historical value of it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So they have the first house that was ever built here. Speaker 1 00:28:19 They have the first road, the first roadways, all of the architecture that's downtown. Dude. It's like when you see it in its old time before any of the things were like really torn down and redone. It's incredible. Um, the old neighborhoods to see them in their just immense, immense glory. They were of like the craftsmanship. It's beautiful. Um, but I found my building, um, which is really neat. And Morris back then, um, have you ever been a classic car show by chance? Yeah. So you know how they line the cars up, you know, in a line. Like if it's, if it's a double street, they'll do it linear, like up the street, you know, like opposite of parallel parking. Um, and there's a photo that I, I took, um, a photo of it and they're doing horse and buggy and it was so Speaker 0 00:29:05 You're showing off the buggies like cars. Speaker 1 00:29:07 Well it was like, I don't know if they were doing that or not, or if it was like, that's just how people parked and that's where it originated. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But it was, that's what I thought about. Cause my dad was a big hot ride guy. Um, but what, what Morris used to be was the train would stop offload all this supplies and everywhere on Morris was a market. Um, so what I've been told, and I, I don't know if this is a hundred percent accurate, so caveat in there, but like in the seventies, there was someone that was murdered down there and it just crushed the, uh, culture. Like, everybody kind of fled. There's a few businesses that that were able to like, kind of carry through the peanut code being like the one everybody thinks about Speaker 0 00:29:42 That's, that's been there for that long. Speaker 1 00:29:44 Oh yeah, dude. Wow. Yeah, I know that. I, I I was talking to a client the other day that told me about it. I think that it's only ever changed hands twice. So three families have owned it in its entire history, but it's been around for a long time. They Speaker 0 00:29:56 Have such good peanuts too. Every time we go to Pepper place, they have a shop set up there. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and we'll get their boiled peanuts. They have Cajun flavor and uh, buffalo flavor. Yeah. And dill pickle flavor. So Speaker 1 00:30:08 Good. Yeah. And I need to go down there. Here. I want some like, original ones. I feel like being from Dothan, which is the literal peanut capital of the world. Yeah. It's like, I just wanna go see man. But is Speaker 0 00:30:19 That where, um, John Washington Carver, was he from around there because, you know, he was like the father of the peanut or he discovered, you know, he dis he discovered, we learned about him in history class in school and he discovered like 500 uses for the peanut or something. But here's the thing. So we learned the fact that he discovered hundreds of uses for the peanut. Sure. But I did a little more research. I was wondering what are those uses, because I can think of a few, but 500 seemed a little excessive. What Speaker 1 00:30:51 Are your few before you hit Speaker 0 00:30:52 The list? He would never publish the uses. He just said that he found the uses. So he never shared what these 500 uses were. So we are just taking his word for the fact that he found hundreds of uses for the peanut. So I don't know if I even believe it anymore. Speaker 1 00:31:09 <laugh>, what are your, what are the few that you know of? Speaker 0 00:31:12 Peanut butter and jelly would be one. Well, uh, PB and Jelly peanut oil is in a lot of things. That's Speaker 1 00:31:18 What everyone in the South originally fried with. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:31:21 Peanuts, roasted peanuts, salted peanuts. I feel like bubble go Speaker 1 00:31:26 Shrimp. I say Now you're just like naming the same use like they're edible. I get that. Speaker 0 00:31:30 All right, Josh, I got some rapid fire questions for you. Speaker 1 00:31:33 Oh, great. I'm rad on the fly. Speaker 0 00:31:35 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:31:35 <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:31:36 All right. You ready? Yeah. Let's go. Okay. So just answer, just re reflexively. Yeah, I'll Speaker 1 00:31:42 Try. I'm not good at that Speaker 0 00:31:43 Too. Dine in or takeout, Speaker 1 00:31:46 Takeout. Speaker 0 00:31:48 Chick-fil-A or Milo's. Speaker 1 00:31:51 Does it matter if the restaurant itself is good or not? Like the location of the chain? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Okay. If Chick-fil-A was, if Chick-fil-A was rad, chick-fil-A, but all of the ones close to my house suck. So Milo's all day. Speaker 0 00:32:03 So when Chick-fil-A is at its best, Speaker 1 00:32:05 I would take Chick-fil-A, but I love Milo's. I just don't eat out Speaker 0 00:32:09 A lot. Everybody goes there, there's sauce. Speaker 1 00:32:11 Mm. Uh, yeah. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:32:13 It's good. I mean, I haven't had it in a long time, but it's so good. East Wests or El Barrio? Speaker 1 00:32:18 I've never eaten it either. Speaker 0 00:32:21 Yeah. I'll answer for you. East, west. Speaker 1 00:32:24 Wait, wait, wait. El Barrios different type of food though, isn't it? Speaker 0 00:32:27 Yeah, well they're both like decent restaurants in Birmingham. They're kind of, they're on the same street. East West is Asian fusion. Speaker 1 00:32:34 Okay. And then El Barrios Mexican food, right? Speaker 0 00:32:36 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:32:37 So El Barrio for me then. Okay, Speaker 0 00:32:40 Well, we'll, uh, split the difference there. Shout out to Kobe. Speaker 1 00:32:42 Hey man. Hey, I'll come. We'll have a, we'll have a parents night out. We'll go because I've never eaten there. Let's Speaker 0 00:32:47 Do it. Good people or trim tab. Speaker 1 00:32:50 Uh, whoever has to beer closest to Coors Light. Okay. Speaker 0 00:32:54 Here's the one for you. Speaking of coffee? Yeah. June or Revelator. Speaker 1 00:32:59 Oh man. So my previous employer who I, you know, I just try to not make it weird than it already had to be. I don't go to Revelator because it's very close to it. Uh, just, just cuz like, you know, no need for added re you know, silliness. So I don't go to Revelator. I love everybody Regulator in the, the five and a half years that I worked downtown, I always went to Revelator and it was absolutely my favorite coffee. I've been going to June for months as I've been building out my salon because it's right around the corner. That's good. And then I like the dudes over at the barber shop beside it. Uh, Zephyr. Um, just because I like to be a client too, so like I, Speaker 0 00:33:38 Yeah, someone's gotta cut your hair. Speaker 1 00:33:39 I mean, if I'm not shaving it and I just kind of wanna like go be a client, I go to Zephyr. They're rad dudes. Um, June, aesthetically I like it better. Uh, it's smaller, so it's different, but like their coffee is amazing and I, I know the people that work there because where I used to work there, they, they were patrons of there at the time at least. Um, and they were just always really nice people. So yeah. Right now, June Revelator has been my, my last five and a half years though. Speaker 0 00:34:09 Kelly Kapowski or Topanga Lawrence Speaker 1 00:34:13 Context on this one? No, you just pick one, just Speaker 0 00:34:17 Straight. Speaker 1 00:34:17 Mm. Speaker 0 00:34:20 I'll say mi middle school U is answering the question. Speaker 1 00:34:25 Mm, Topanga. Speaker 0 00:34:26 Mm. Same e easy answer Speaker 1 00:34:28 For me. Only because she had curly hair dog and my wife's got curly hair. Dude, it's Speaker 0 00:34:34 A thing for me. And And you're a hair guy. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:34:36 Dude. Better hair for sure. Both of beautiful women though. So tough one. But Topanga, Speaker 0 00:34:42 Speaking of hair, I, I actually had one more question I forgot to ask earlier. So you look like you would be welcome in any bike or game, but why do so many women come to you to style their hair? Speaker 1 00:34:54 I don't know, man. Um, Speaker 0 00:34:56 You're very artistic. You're obviously very good at it. I see everything you post on, on social media. Speaker 1 00:35:00 I'm terrible with social media. I never post, uh, not like I should. Um, I don't know man. I, I just try to be really polite. I, I think the unique thing about being a male hairdresser and being a straight ma hairdresser, like no shaded anybody else. But when you're not or when you're a straight guide that does hair, okay, so follow me on this one. You're not a fellow female, so there's not that camaraderie. And I don't mean a lump gay men into that category, but there's a bit of like a sisterhood because they're not interested, right? They're not a potential love interest or physically whatever. So I think what happens when you're a straight guy is you get one chance. So you, you better knock it out of Speaker 0 00:35:40 The park. So you get one chance to not creep them out. Speaker 1 00:35:42 <laugh> pretty much. Yeah. I mean that's definitely a part of it, I would think. Yeah. Um, I don't know. I've, I've just always been hyper respectful. Um, at least I, I try my very best to, um, and I have no motives. I just want to take care of their hair. So I think that in some way that's comfortable and, and kind of unique. Um, I've worked with other straight hairstylists and they were, you know, they were great. But, um, yeah, I, I think, I think I just, because I know that I only get one chance, I just always try to do the very best every time. And I think that sticks out. I, it's just, yeah, it's just how I do here. I don't know. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:36:17 I was, uh, telling Katie about it the other day, how one of the things that I, that I admire most about you, because I don't have this ability, you have the skill to just, if you wanted to just go on a monologue and it's not uninteresting. You, some people when they're, when they're talking and they just keep talking and keep talking, it's boring you. But I think because you're behind the chair and people are there and they know they can kind of just like sit there and listen to an interesting conversation or steer the conversation, I think they appreciate that you're able to carry them. Speaker 1 00:36:53 Yeah, I mean, it, it's like a, I think hair stylist in general had this that they develop. Speaker 0 00:36:59 Um, so you think it's like a muscle that you can work out and get better at? Speaker 1 00:37:02 Well, I will tell you, when I first started doing hair, I couldn't do that. That's what I do know. Um, I've always been very social, but like when I was, when I was 19, you know, I mean young guy, I, I never had a passion or an idea that I would do hair. I was an art major. That's how I ended up being a hair stylist. So it was, I look at it very much from that lens. So cutting is drawing, you're manipulating lines, coloring is painting, so you're shading or you know, in your punt emphasis here or taken away here, minimizing things occasionally, um, whatever. So for me, um, at first, you know, when I was a single guy, I would get, you know, like this a stunning woman in my chair and I would stam her a little bit. Dude, I would be a little nervous because I'm like, I don't have a hidden motive, but you're a beautiful lady. Speaker 1 00:37:49 And yeah, it made me a little nervous cuz I was like, God, I hope I do this hair well. And I don't say something stupid. But then as I got older and I just, I did it enough, you get to the point to where it's just like, you know that you're not an option. They're not an option. And like that, this is before I was married, um, you're not an option. And it's just like, it's just all professional setting. Once you kind of get over the hump of, you know, just meeting new people constantly and it's not so nerve wracking and it's just like, Hey, how are you? How's your day going? What do you do? And, and that's what I always like to do. Like, I like to make it about other people. And then once you kind of have that going, you people start asking you about you and then you can just kind of fill the spaces and let them cruise through it. You know, I have a lot of clients that love to chat, but I have several that are just very quiet and chill. You know, we say probably 10 sentences, the whole appointment. So I just try to be whatever the hair or I mean, um, excuse me. I just try to be whatever the client needs. Yeah. You know, talk some or don't. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:38:52 If you could have any non domesticated animal as a pet, what would you pick? Speaker 1 00:39:00 Nothing matters about it. It could just be like the most ridiculous thing and everything would be facilitated. Speaker 0 00:39:04 Logistics don't matter. It can be a dinosaur if you want Speaker 1 00:39:08 Tiger. Speaker 0 00:39:09 A tiger. Yeah. Okay. Speaker 1 00:39:11 So actually, actually, yeah, a tiger. Speaker 0 00:39:13 So Joe, exotic vibes over here. Speaker 1 00:39:15 No, no, not, not at all. More like a, oh, what was his name? Speaker 0 00:39:20 Mike dys. Speaker 1 00:39:22 No, you know, you know. No, that's no one. You're talking about Chase. Speaker 0 00:39:25 Did you ever see that video outta pocket? There's a video of him wrestling a white tiger in his front yard. Speaker 1 00:39:31 I mean, that sounds like some stuff he would do. Yeah. He is maybe one of the craziest individuals in the world. And I mean, in mad respect, love him as a boxer, but wildlife, um, what was his name? Dude, in, uh, the Jungle book? Speaker 0 00:39:44 Mobley? Speaker 1 00:39:44 No, that was the bear. No, that was the boy. Blue was the bear. Who was the tiger? Big Speaker 0 00:39:49 Biguera. Biguera. No, sheer con. Speaker 1 00:39:51 Sheer con. Yeah. Yeah. Like sheer con vibes, dude. Yeah. Like you're just lurking off to the side, not being a, you know, not being terrible, but you're just kind of kicked back over there. Kind of that vibe. Not playful. I just kinda off in the distance like, Hey dude, do you, because you said logistics didn't matter. That's why I was kind of like, Hmm, they're beautiful. Speaker 0 00:40:08 Well, I asked because on April 6th, a man made a different choice. Speaker 1 00:40:14 Stop. Dude, that's not real. Speaker 0 00:40:18 A man was criminally charged taking a wild platypus on a train ride and a shopping trip. Let me expand on this. In Queensland, Australia, one man was charged. Yeah. One man was charged violating the state's conservation laws after taking a wild platypus on a train ride in a shopping trip, surveillance footage captured the suspect's outing with the animal. And if convicted, he's facing up to $288,000 in fines. Here's what the police say. Taking a platypus from the wild is not only illegal, but it can be a dangerous for both the displaced animal and the person involved, especially if the platypus is a male as they have venomous spurs. Would you have ever imagined that a platypus is poisonous? Speaker 1 00:41:08 I feel like I maybe knew that. I didn't realize it was spurs and how they even would attach. So the question I have though about this, it was just like, it stuck out. You said $288,000 in Speaker 0 00:41:20 Fines. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, why that, why that number Speaker 1 00:41:22 And where does it go? Yeah. It's not like the platypus is gonna benefit from that. Where are you gonna put him up in a like ball and platypus enclosure for the rest of his life with all the food that you eat? I just like, I mean, I just got questions there, you know Speaker 0 00:41:33 What I mean? Yeah. Where does the money go? Speaker 1 00:41:35 Yeah. I mean, that was wild that the dude did that, but it's like $288,000. Yeah. That's so much money. And where's the justification for it? Or is it just like an obligatory amount to just get you to not do something Speaker 0 00:41:49 In an even weirder headline? I, I don't know how to explain this one. This one is too, is too weird for me. Oh Speaker 1 00:41:56 Gosh. That one, that last one was Speaker 0 00:41:58 Pretty wild. This one's April 10th. So it is probably old news by now. I know a lot of people have already heard this. Geez. About the Dai Lama. Speaker 1 00:42:05 Oh Speaker 0 00:42:05 Gosh, yeah. Another not a llama. This is the Dai Lama. And how he mine he offered? No, he was actually asking a young boy to suck his tongue and it was on video. You see the video? Speaker 1 00:42:20 Yeah. So you watched the the actual thing. Yeah. Yeah. Dude. Uh, super weird man. Like, I, I don't know. I feel like he's a weirdo. I don't even care about the apology or any of that stuff. Like, I watched it and it was, I I was in disbelief Speaker 0 00:42:36 Say, I think everybody was because it, it just, it it's almost too weird to Speaker 1 00:42:40 Fathom. Now, cor correct me if I'm wrong, but the Dai lama, whenever they get to a certain point when they die, they're replaced Or is it they like step down and they're replaced? Speaker 0 00:42:51 No idea. Speaker 1 00:42:52 I don't either. Not I, I don't wanna misspeak there. Speaker 0 00:42:54 But is it, you mean is it like a pope situation where they're replaced? Speaker 1 00:42:58 Yeah, like, like if they're no longer able to do what is considered their duty or their role, do they then step down and then by some other means someone's chosen? Or is it like until they pass and then somebody else comes up as the next? Speaker 0 00:43:13 I have no idea. So was it like, can they do no wrong and they can't be replaced or, or Yeah, I don't know how it works, man, but yeah. Um, you know, I don't know how you justify that. Speaker 1 00:43:26 Yeah, I got, I got, I honestly like, I It's gross. Yeah, it was, it was. So he kissed him on the, or asked for a kiss on the forehead first? I think Speaker 0 00:43:35 Normal. Normal. Speaker 1 00:43:37 I mean, that's even kind of weird to me. No. Like he asked the kid to kiss him. Speaker 0 00:43:41 Oh yeah. Okay. Weird. Speaker 1 00:43:42 I don't think he kissed the kid for like, it wasn't like a blessing type thing, I don't think. Yeah. If I'm recall it correctly. And then the asking of the Yeah, it was just weird. It was like, suck my tongue. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:43:55 Even just hearing that sounds, uh, it's gross. Speaker 1 00:43:58 I felt gross saying it. Sorry. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:44:00 But it's like, yeah, no, you said it like you meant it. So I I mean the answer is no. Speaker 1 00:44:03 You have a blonde beard and it doesn't intrigue me. Speaker 0 00:44:06 <laugh>. It's like I was talking to Katie earlier and we were saying that I need to change the name of the podcast to B b W Big bearded white men dude. Because Harrison, now you, Speaker 1 00:44:19 Y'all are big. Y'all, you guys are tall Bronny dudes. I'm just a shrimp. Speaker 0 00:44:22 I gotta get some diversity on this podcast. So, uh, females, if you please reach out to me if you'd like to come on as a Speaker 1 00:44:29 Guest. And the podcast is one of inclusion. Speaker 0 00:44:31 Yes. Yes. No beards allowed for the next two episodes. Speaker 1 00:44:34 Yeah. You must have shaved freshly. Speaker 0 00:44:36 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I have an, uh, a last headline here. This one happened today I think, Speaker 1 00:44:42 Oh, I'm really not up on this. Mm-hmm. Speaker 0 00:44:44 <affirmative>. So Thieves stole $200,000 worth of dimes from a truck and a Walmart parking lot. That's a lot of dimes. That Speaker 1 00:44:54 Sounds so unnecessary. Speaker 0 00:44:56 Yeah. The truck's driver had picked up an estimated 7.5 million dimes from Philadelphia's US Mint for the transport Florida. The perpetrators broke in while the driver was gone and they took an estimated 2 million coins from that load. That's insane. That weight was at 10,000 pounds. So in case you're wondering, 2 million dimes weighs 10,000 pounds and no one's been arrested, so they got away with it. Speaker 1 00:45:25 I don't, I don't know how you flee with that. That's wild. Um, and also, what were you driving to be able to hold that many Speaker 0 00:45:30 Dimes? Yeah, I mean that's a heavy payload there. Speaker 1 00:45:32 I I, I mean a an armored truck is huge, but like, I don't know what the capacity. Anyway, fun fact, when you mentioned like if you need to know, if you need to know anything, you can call the engineering department in Auburn and you can ask them any question and they'll call you back with a calculated answer. Speaker 0 00:45:54 Is that still going on? Speaker 1 00:45:55 Last I heard? Yeah. Like so, I mean, they can tell you how many Skittles will fill up a stadium. Like they literally have the answer already because somebody asked Speaker 0 00:46:03 Them that. How many would you guys? Speaker 1 00:46:05 Oh God, dude, I don't know. That's Speaker 0 00:46:07 Insane. Okay, guess how many Skittles can fill up a stadium? Let's ask chat G p t and see if it knows. Speaker 1 00:46:14 All right. I haven't used that yet, but I've heard about it some. Um, I'm gonna say this and this is just like me throwing out an uh, honestly like an arbitrary number. Cause I don't think I could really grasp the count of this 900 million. Speaker 0 00:46:29 Okay, let's ask. Okay, I'll I'll put a guess in first. Ab absolutely in the billions. Gotta be You Speaker 1 00:46:38 Think in the billions? Yeah. I just think a billion is so high. Speaker 0 00:46:41 It is. I'm gonna go with 3.2 billion. Speaker 1 00:46:46 Whoa. So we're way separate. I'm just under a billion. So I think, I think the whole idea of that is when you think about a thousand and a hundred of them and then it's 999 of them plus one more thousand to make a million. I said 900 of those. So it's like, it it, I mean I think it's more substantial when you try to think of what that could be. When you say a billion, like a billion is an extremely high number. The only thing that makes me more nervous is our debt as a country. It's like 16 trillion. What was the answer? Speaker 0 00:47:27 <laugh>. All right. I'm just gonna read you what it said cuz it, it gave a very, well, I don't wanna say thought out cause it wasn't thinking, but it did some calculations here. So it says it is difficult to estimate the exact number of Skittles that can fit into an average football stadium as there are several factors that can influence the result such as the size of the stadium, the capacity of seats, et cetera. But to make some rough calculations, here are some basic assumptions. Let's assume that the average football stadium has a seating capacity of 60,000 and a volume of 3 million cubic meters. Yeah. Now let's assume that each skittle has a diameter of about one centimeter and a height of about 0.5 centimeters. So it does the calculations. Oh, Speaker 1 00:48:09 So it doesn't include the air in between? Speaker 0 00:48:11 No, it does. Speaker 1 00:48:12 If it was a bowl. It does. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Okay. 15 billion. Speaker 0 00:48:16 To find the number of Skittles that can fit in the stadium, we can divide the volume of the stadium by the volume of one skittle that equals Okay. So 3 billion cubic centimeters. Oh Speaker 1 00:48:29 My gosh. Speaker 0 00:48:30 It's looking at a approximately 7.6 billion Skittles in a football stadium. Speaker 1 00:48:38 Yeah. So I just estimated wrong by a little bit. Don't worry about it, <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:48:44 That's interesting man. Much Speaker 1 00:48:45 Though. But I mean, think about that number. Like you could stand on one side of the stadium. I could look at you like the, the opposite ends of the long side. Right? I could look at you in binoculars and still barely make you out. It's that large and then seven point whatever billion would fill it up of a Speaker 0 00:49:03 Skittle. Yeah, it's a high number. Speaker 1 00:49:05 Yeah. It's insane. Speaker 0 00:49:07 Well, I'm, you know, I'm glad I know that I feel a little bit smarter after this episode. I feel like I know more about prison. I know how many dimes makes up $10,000 and or 10,000 pounds, and I know how many Skittles can fit in a stadium. So the, I think this has been a really excellent episode. Speaker 1 00:49:22 I just kind of want Skittles now. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:49:24 Yeah. Well, uh, less, less repeat. So the, uh, the salon is off Morris Avenue. What's the address? Speaker 1 00:49:30 Uh, it's 2100 Morse Avenue. Um, and a good landmark is when you go down under the bridge that's shut down. It's uh, Richard Arrington Boulevard. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, there's the, the condo with the giant blue robot, uh, local famous muralist did it's incredible painting. We're across the street, so it's the white storefront with the black windows and black door. Okay. Speaker 0 00:49:52 And coming up on May 5th, we're having an event to celebrate the opening. And, um, you, you are actually, you're hiring stylist right now as well, right? Speaker 1 00:50:01 Yeah, I am. I'm just not in a hurry. Um, I definitely encourage anyone that, that, that is interested to come by, check it out. Especially that May 5th thing. I mean, that's partially what it's for. It's just it's an open house. Open house environment. Yeah. But if you want something a little more intimate, you wanna sit down, cove shop, talk, talk about it, et cetera, I reserve Mondays for that Monday mornings. And then, um, yeah, I mean we're looking, the most important thing to us is the culture in the salon. So just definitely it's a respect your coworkers and we're a customer oriented, the line, that's what it's about. So, um, I definitely encourage anyone to come and then eventually we'll hire administrative staff for the front desk as well. So free tacos. Yeah, dude. Free uno's tacos, which are way better than just pretty much anything. Sure. You said margaritas, maybe having some drinks. Yeah. Yeah, so we'll have margaritas, we'll have beer, wine, just normal stuff. Sodas, water, um, mariachi band, some ROROs. Um, actually I'll be in there specifically playing accordion. You're welcome, <laugh>. Excellent. Yeah, no, it's not gonna happen. <laugh>. All right. Well, Josh, thanks for coming on, man. It's been fun. And, uh, we'll have to do it again soon. Hey, man. Thanks for having me, buddy. All right, buddy. Speaker 2 00:51:27 This, the city made me cry.

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